Play it Again

Saturday, September 30, 2006

"One should always keep an open mind - but not so open that one's brains fall out". - Russell

Australian Postgraduate Philosophy Conference

University of Tasmania, Hobart Tasmania

5-8th September, 2006
This conference gave me a channel with which to present the ideas behind my work and gain some feedback at a national level, on a chapter I am working on for my own paper. This idea has also been accepted as a chapter for a proposed film remake collection for the Department of Philosophy, College of Marin, Kentfield, CA. I do therefore not want this piece to be published in Tasmania.

This was rather an opportunity to get some feedback, advice and gain important insights into the philosophical concepts behind the remake and the directions I am taking with my piece.
"Between Heaven and Hell There's Always Hollywood!"_ Barton Fink
posted by Julie G at 10:08 PM

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Location: Newcastle, N.S.W., Australia


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A REMAKE THING_ "Between Heaven and Hell There's Always Hollywood!"_ Barton Fink